
1 in 5

Greetings all. Paige here. There is no easy way to say it. We've had a miscarriage. I'm writing this 8/29 but wanted to change the post date to the date of my D&C, so our events are chronological. The EDD of our baby was to be 2/11/07. We are healing. I am into the anger and seeking answers phase. I had next to no physical pain with the whole ordeal. We found out on an ultrasound that our baby had died around 6 weeks. We were devastated but we want to try again. There are so many questions. Of course, why? And, why did it have to be our first baby? Why couldn't we have experienced it at least once first? It is somewhat comforting that it is common (1 in 5 pregnancies), but WHY so common? Things happen for a reason... nature's way... God's way... blah blah blah. Those answers aren't really answers and don't make it feel much better. But I am finding strength in God. He IS healing. He is grieving with us. Please pray for the safety and health of our child who we hope will be with us one day. In God's time.

Dear child of God,

You were with us for only a short while, but I will never forget you. I love you.

Love, Mommy

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Thanks for your message! ~ Paige