
Snakes on a Plane... or in the Kitchen?

Over my exciting birthday weekend... I watched a 6-foot black snake sneaking down our kitchen wall! I let it get away (back up through the ceiling)... and we still haven't caught it. Here is one picture:

The photo link (if you cannot view the above) can be found here


  1. Yikes!!! I can't believe you had the courage to get the camera - I would have been hiding under the bed!

  2. OMG! That is a huge black snake! We see them all around our farm...and usually let them be....but in my house...that's a immediate dead snake!! Hope you catch him soon!

  3. oooohhhh...I would have passed out...no, actually I would have grabbed Ava and ran! I definitely would have called Jason to come home and get it out! Whew! Bet that got the blood pressure surging!


Thanks for your message! ~ Paige